![EVENT - ATSISPEP Color[1]](http://www.researchweek.uwa.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/EVENT-ATSISPEP-Color1-642x360.png)
6th September 2017
Austin Lecture Hall, Arts (G59), UWA, 35 Stirling Highway, Perth WA 6009
Austin Lecture Hall, Arts (G59), UWA, 35 Stirling Highway, Perth WA 6009
The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention Evaluation Project at UWA was funded by Prime Minister and Cabinet in late 2015 in response to appalling rates of suicide. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander suicide occurs at double the rate of other Australians. Suicide is the leading cause of death for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people of 15 to 34 years of age, accounting for 1 in 3 deaths. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander suicide rates can vary markedly by age, gender and other factors.
ATSISPEP achieved: the development of an evidence base for what works in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander suicide prevention; the development of a culturally appropriate evaluation framework, including a national interactive map of places experiencing high rates of suicide and the available services; identified Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community suicide prevention needs; identified system-level change for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander suicide prevention; and hosted the inaugural a national Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention Conference.
The Report, What Our People and the Evidence Tells Us, had 17 recommendations. Most of these were concerned with the role government and services play to empower communities to tackle suicide.
This session includes representatives from the community sector (KAMS), the government (Mental Health Commission WA, WA PHN), university stakeholders (School of Indigenous Studies, Telethon Kids Institute) to discuss the practical implementation of the ATSISPEP Report under the mental reforms in suicide prevention.