
Dr Campbell ThomsonDr Campbell Thomson
Director, Office of Research Enterprise

In 2017, Research Week hosted more than 5000 visitors and participants at 60 free events across campus, showcasing research and discovery at UWA.

Our community now have a greater appreciation of the huge body of work taking place at UWA and the value and impact of the research we do.


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Let’s have a Heart to Heart
An interview with Associate Professor Livia Hool on ABC South West
Digital Humanities Showcase
An interview with Dr Michael Ovens on RTRFM 92.1

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Click or tap a photo to go full size.

The Three Minute Thesis (3MT)™ competition develops academic and research communication skills. Participants give an engaging and dynamic talk on their research topic to a non-specialist audience in just 3 minutes.

PhD student Gavrielle Untracht who is studying optical and biomedical engineering at UWA will be competing in the national finals of the Three Minute Thesis (3MT) after winning the competition at The University of Western Australia.

For even more photos please visit: UWA Student Services flickr.

Thank you for all your entries for our competition held during research week, where we asked:

What issues concern you the most?

The winners were selected at random. Congratulations to:

1st prize
Robert Toia.
Who won a $200 VISA debit card.
Runners up
Farruh Mavlonov, Anika Tenedero and Tom Collins.
Who each won UWA merchandise packs valued at $54.