Event description

The WA Migration and Mobilities Update is a one day conference bringing together academics, policy makers and community to discuss the latest issues in migration. The theme of the 2017 Update is “Social Inclusion across the life course: youth, ageing and intergenerational issues”.

Two panel sessions will focus on the two poles of life course, youth and ageing, and consider the specific issues and challenges faced by younger and older migrants. Topics will include new parent visas, ageing well and culturally appropriate care for CaLD Seniors, migrant employment in aged care and other services industries, training and workforce opportunities for young migrants, settlement and social inclusion of migrant youth and international students. 

The keynote address on ageing and multicultural interests will be delivered by Professor Helen Barrie (Adelaide). Professor Barrie is National President of the Australian Association of Gerontology, Outgoing Director of the Hugo Centre for Migration and Population Research at the University of Adelaide and a member of the Editorial Board for the Australian Journal of Ageing.

This year, for the first time, the Update will also feature a Scanlon Foundation Thought Leadership presentation. Professor Andrew Markus (Monash) will present new insights from the annual Mapping Social Cohesion national survey, focusing on life course and inter-generational topics. 

The Update is an initiative of the UWA Migration, Mobilities and Belonging Research Group, and is supported by DIBP, DSS, DE, DTWD, OMI, UnionsWA, CCIWA and community and non-government organisations.



SPEAKER - Loretta Baldassar

Loretta Baldassar

  • UWA/Monash
  • Professor in the Discipline Group of Anthropology and Sociology/Adjunct Principal Research Fellow
