5th September 2017
Hemsley Learning Suite, Reid Library, UWA, 35 Stirling Highway, Perth WA 6009
Hemsley Learning Suite, Reid Library, UWA, 35 Stirling Highway, Perth WA 6009
David Stacey, University Media Manager, The University of Western Australia (former TV News Journalist, Producer and News Director)
This session is designed to give UWA researchers a better understanding of the media – how the media works and how to get the media to work for you. You’ll get information on how to attract journalists to your research and how to handle media attention once you have got it. There will be tips and techniques for media interviews, including how to answer difficult questions.
Find out what you can expect from media coverage and gain insight into mainstream media organisations. Part of the session focuses on how to engage with the UWA Media Office to get the most out of your media experience.
This event is suited to UWA researchers (staff and students).