7th September 2017
Arts Lecture Room 10, UWA, 35 Stirling Highway, Perth WA 6009
Arts Lecture Room 10, UWA, 35 Stirling Highway, Perth WA 6009
The emphasis on research impact continues to grow in Australia. In early 2017, the ARC ran the Engagement and Impact Assessment Pilot with universities reporting on their engagement activities and on the impacts of their research beyond academia. The Engagement and Impact Assessment (EIA) is expected to run as a companion piece to the Excellence in Research Australia (ERA) in 2018.
How can we begin planning engagement activities and looking at our research impact? Through impact planning you can create a pathway that focuses your engagement activities and enables the creation, monitoring and evaluation of impacts related to your research.
During this workshop you will:
This event is suited to UWA researchers (staff and students).